It’s Festival time!  Wednesday June 19 from 4:30 – 7:00 at KES

This can’t happen without your support.  Please have a look at the sign up sheets.  There are time slots available throughout the evening doing different things.  The description of the duties is on the sign up sheet.  The more help, the shorter the line up!

Here are all of the links for the volunteers for the Castlefrank Katimavik Community Festival June 19, 2019

Food Delivery sign-up sheet. (Leah / Claudette)

To sign up, go to:

Cash Ticket Sales sign-up sheet. (Kim)

To sign up, go to:

Set up / Clean up  sign-up sheet. (Teri)

To sign up, go to:

Crowd Control sign-up sheet. (Sarah / Joanne)

To sign up, go to:

Splash Machine Patrol  sign-up sheet. (Carol)

To sign up, go to: